Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Our trip to the Puyallup Fair

Maddy and Gracie standing in line for the tiger roller coaster
Gracie loving it with her arms in the air, Maddy hating it holding on for dear life.
Kameron hanging out in the stroller
What a sweet face.
Not so sweet. He is chewing on Maddy's frog she won (all by herself!) Don't worry, Maddy gave us the go ahead first.
Maddy thinks she is a pro on horses now.
Waiting in line for the fun house.
Pooped after a long day.
A great end to a great day!


Carlie,Kris,Aaron,Gracie said...

Wow..serious picture updates! Love 'em. You got a great picture of girls on the rollercoaster. Mine didn't turn out on those ones. Fun times!!

Katie said...

I can't show these to the girls or they will have my hide. As far as they knew, there was no fair going on :) Nice, hu?

nadinehayes said...

We got a free ticket for Maddy from her school. So there was no way around that.